Dispersions are multi-phase mixtures consisting of substances that are insoluble in one another, which are commonly found in the food products, emulsions and creams in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, cleaning agents, emulsion paint or seal slurry used in the building industry. For these products, the dispersion stability is an extremely important factor, which can be measured by using the DataPhysics MultiScan MS 20 Dispersion Analysis System.

Some of the applications of the dispersion stability analysis system are:

• Determination of shelf life which is useful in formulation studies of suspensions and emulsions.
• Optical stability and aging analysis of liquid dispersions.
• Determination of destabilisation mechanisms.
• Determination of sedimentation and creaming rates.
• Analysis of particle merging, agglomeration and clustering.

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Stability Analysis System Product

MultiScan MS 20

The DataPhysics Multiscan MS 20 is a stability analyzer that works automatically to measure the optical stability and aging analysis for wide range of multi-phase dispersions such as emulsions and suspensions.

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